Rock Your Camel Coat & Hunter Boots

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Rock Your Camel Coat & Hunter Boots




Hey, fashion police there is nothing wrong with tan-on-tan combo.

Call me the gal who’d get caught wearing Hunter boots all year round or pink overalls. I am sure most of you can relate but I’d say my fashion style has evolved from colourful and risky to neutrals. Although, I slightly blame that on my strict 9-5 work attire policy or just simply the business world attire. Until one day, I got tired of black, gray and white and thought brown/nude/tan colours would be the best addition to my go-to shades.

Of course, pink is an exception. Everybody knows that’s neutral in my world.

In the photo:

Shoes: Hunter Boots Womens Tan Slim Leg Zip through Back Stripe Wellies

Jacket: Cleo Camel top coat

Scarf: American Apparel Infinity Scarft, gray

Accessories: Danier women gloves

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